Input and Output devices

Input/output Devices

A computer is an electronic device that operates data or information and can store, retrieve, and process data. Computers can be used to create documents, play games, send emails, and browse the web. They are also used to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and videos. To perform such useful operations on a computer, we need input and output devices to give instructions to the system and receive information. Commonly used input and output devices include the keyboard, mouse, scanner, printer, monitor, and speaker.

The computer system is designed to perform tasks given by the user and produce results efficiently. It takes in the instructions (in the form of inputs), performs the computing tasks (also known as processing) and gives back results (in the form of outputs). The computer’s software is designed to do this task with the help of components of a computer, including an input unit, a processing unit, and an output unit. The computer performs the tasks with the combination of input and output devices to give instructions to the computer and receive the respective results of the operations performed.

Computer Systems and Their Components

Before we learn about input and output devices, we must understand what a computer is and its components and functionality. A computer is an electronic device designed to make human tasks easier by taking instructions from the user through input devices, processing them using a processing unit, and giving results using output devices. It is used for storing and processing data and performing calculations. A computer’s functionality is based on the combined usage of its input, processing, and output units. Hence, it becomes essential to know the working of these units.

Input Devices

An input device is a hardware device that takes instructions from the user and passes it to a processing unit, such as a CPU. Input devices can transmit data to other devices by taking it from one device but cannot receive data—for example, the keyboard or the mouse.

List of Input Devices

Some commonly used input devices are listed below:

Keyboard: It is a hardware device with keys with alphabets and numbers on it and is used to take alphanumeric input. It is the most commonly used input device.

Mouse: It is a hardware device that takes input by clicking on keys on the surface of the mouse. The mouse is a pointing device that points to icons on the screen to select them.

Microphone: It takes sound as a form of input and can convert it to a digital or electrical form.

Joystick: It is usually used to play games. It has a stick that is inclined to angle to control movement in video games.

Light Pen/stylus: It is a device used to give input by touching the device. A stylus is a light-dependent tool.

Scanner: It is used to scan images, text, or documents to convert them into digital form.

Output Devices

Output devices are hardware devices that receive data from the processing unit and other devices and return the result of the data—for example, monitors and speakers.

List of Output Devices

Some commonly used output devices are listed below:

Monitor: It is a device through which we see and operate our software. All icons, text, and images are displayed here. We see all the outputs on this screen.

Printer: It produces hard copies or prints of images, text, or documents on the computer.

Speakers: They yield output in the form of audio and allow users to listen to music, game sounds, etc. Speakers can be wired and wireless.

Projector: It produces output by projecting images and videos on a big screen. When connected to a computer, the image on the monitor will only be displayed on the screen.

Headphones: These devices also produce audio outputs but are only for personal use.

Input/output Devices

An input/output device can perform the job of both input and output devices. In other words, it can receive data from other devices or users (input) and send it to other devices (output).

Examples of input/output devices include:

CD/DVD drives: They copy data received from the computer and store it. They can also transfer data on the drive and pass it to the computer’s storage

USB/Flash drives: They receive and send data from the computer to the drive and vice-versa


A computer is an electronic device that operates data or information and can store, retrieve, and process data. A computer can be used to create documents, play games,  send emails, and browse the web. Computers are also used to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and videos. To perform all these useful operations on a computer, we need input and output devices to give instructions to the system and receive information. Commonly used input and output devices include the keyboard, mouse, scanner, printer, monitor, and speaker. Some devices can send and receive data; these are called input/output devices like CD drives, DVD drives, and USB drives.

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